Sea Jay Aluminium Boats is a family company founded by Col and Janelle Glass in 1989. Boating has always played a major part in their family life spanning many years. Both Col and Janelle have been proactive in many aspects of boating including recreational fishing, tournament fishing (for the mighty Barra), water skiing and boat racing. Manufacturing aluminium boats became a natural progression into the boating industry although they never dreamed their “Sea Jay Aluminium Boats” brand would one day become a house hold name throughout Australia.

Joining his parents with their passion Troy Glass became an employee of the company in 1999. Completing his apprenticeship within the industry, Troy soon put his theoretical and practical knowledge to good use and became the manager of research and development. In 2010, Troy became a part owner of Sea Jay Boats further strengthening the family values associated within the company.

Constantly growing since its inception, the Sea Jay Boats factory now covers 7,000m² and with 2,280m² under roof, provides the necessary room to build Sea Jay’s pressed and plate range of aluminium boats.


Sea Jay bring their product to you with personal pride and trust you will enjoy many memorable moments on some of the best waterways this country has to offer. Only the highest quality marine grade aluminium and components are used to construct one of the most robust range of boats with a quality of finish enviable of other brands on the market today.

What a better way to relax by GETTING AMONGST IT in a quality Sea Jay Aluminium Boat you can rely on and trust.